An old man clearing his throat loudly just prior to decorating the sidewalk with a fresh lugie 6. An old woman shoves you out of the way on the subway, on the sidewalk, in a line? or just about anywhere an old lady can be found ...
Speaking of certs, what happened to the Ouray bvacation/b cert package? Did it get canceled? It's not listed anymore. Comment #137 - Posted by: Dan at March 20, 2009 10:03 AM. Jakers, No stories just a gripe. Don't you hate it when globo participants hog a b...../b I told him as usual to rack his weights and as I turned around and walked 10 feet over to the water fountain to take a drink he apparently hocks a blugie/b at the back of my head. The timing on this was perfect... as I ...
Did you go on any bvacations/b? Yes. Hong Kong , Subic , etc. Did you leave the country at all? Yes. Would you change anything about yourself now? Yis. 2007: Wrap Up. Is 2007 a good year? Somehow, yeah. Did 2007 bring any new insights? A good deal of new insights. Yeah. ... I spent Valentines counting the money I saved from not having a girlfriend. :P. wahahaha! magaling! buti ka pa may naipon. ako blugi/b e.pareho wala. gf wala. ipon wala. pota. mag papa perish nako. ...